Facilitator Info
Professor John Paul Lederach Professor John Paul Lederach Facilitator John Paul Lederach is professor emeritus of international peace building at the University of Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and senior fellow at Humanity United. He is widely known for his pioneering work in conflict transformation, and has helped to design and conduct training programs in many countries across five continents. He is a lead trainer of first Seven Modular Training on Natural Resource Conflict Transformation Process in Nepal and succeed to produce 30 skilled human resources to work in the sector of peace buidling through transformation of community level conflicts based on forest, water and land.
Ameet Dhakal Ameet Dhakal Facilitator Ameet Dhakal is a well-known journalist, editor and key advisor to Natural Resource Conflict Transformation Centre-Nepal. Also, he is former graduate students of Prof. John Paul Lederach and a long-term partner in the Foundation’s peace building work. He is a trainer for the first seven modular training on natural resource conflict transformation process. He worked as a interpretator and co-trainer with Prof. John Paul Lederach during the training.
Event Info
Start Date 01/11/2009
End Date 05/14/2010
Venue Bhaktapur